
Royal Cinque Ports Golf Club

Statistics for Tom Bean

Exact Handicap - Newark
WHS Handicap Calculator

Par 3 Avg - 3.14
Par 4 Avg - 4.60
Par 5 Avg - 4.75

Scoring Analysis for Tom Bean

Gross Scoring Trend

Stableford Trend

Scoring Distribution

Handicap Trend

Handicap Index History

You can now sort the results below by clicking on gross, nett or stableford

Competition Date Course Gross Nett Sford
South East of England Links H Friday 12th May 2017 Royal St. George's 77 78  
South East of England Links H Thursday 11th May 2017 Royal Cinque Ports Old 79 80  

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.